This is the June 2024 FOIA version of Vivian and Dox. As many of you know, Vivian was the result of work done under the auspices of OSEHRA. OSEHRA shut down in February of 2020 and transferred most of their assets (web content, training materials, journal content, etc.) to WorldVistA. With time, there have been problems generating Vivian related to changes in the FOIA, etc. Thanks to the work of Sam Habiel, whose work was generously funded by Bhaskar of YottaDB, the XINDEX issue and the problems caused by the routine changes in DID and DID1 have been corrected. The contributions of both of them is much appreciated.

Also, some dedicated VA employees have corrected the export of the Integration Control Agreements so that the parser for those now usually works.

THANK YOU to everyone who has made Vivian possible.