Name Value
This file contains the functions needed to support evaluation of data access
for example, and should return a boolean result in Y.
Result functions may look at the DIRESULT variable, if it is set to P or D,
and should return a boolean value in Y indicating if processing is done.
Obligation functions may perform any tasks needed by the application, such
as logging access granted to a file, and do not need to return a value.
Policies in file #1.6. See the VA FileMan Programmer Manual for full details
of local variables available to use, and output requirements of each type.
Attribute functions may use variables such as the current file (DIFN) and
record number (DIENS) to set DIVAL("attribute")="value" with the attributes
that will be needed to evaluate the policy.
Condition functions often look beyond the record, at a user's keys or role