This file is used to track inpatient episodes for Category C veterans
A case record will automatically be filed at admission for this special
group of patients, and updated when the patient is discharged. The
site then has 45 days to disposition the case, i.e. determine if the
care was related to the claimed exposure. If the care was unrelated,
and copayment and per diem charges are created in the Cancel/Edit/Add
Patient Charges option, the case record will be automatically
dispositioned. If the patient is not going to be billed, the reason
for not billing must be entered into this file.
who have claimed exposure to Agent Orange, Ionizing Radiation, and
Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
Environmental Contaminants.
These episodes, which are normally billed automatically by the system,
require individual review to determine if the care provided was related
to the claimed exposure. If the care was determined to be related to
exposure, the patient should not be billed, but the case disposition
must be documented.