Name Value
This file contains a description of all of the interfaces with other packages.
Note that multiple entries in this file can have the same entry points
into routines. This is for efficiency purposes. For example, patient name,
DOB and sex are all located on the same node of the Patient file. Each of
these items of data can have its own entry in the Package Interface file,
but by using the same entry point there is a savings because all of the
data on that node can be obtained at once. The routine that invokes the
entry points keeps track of those already invoked so that they are not
The form will invoke the proper interface routines by doing a lookup on
this file and then calling the routine by indirection. The
Data will be exchanged between the encounter form utilities and other
packages by putting the data in at @IBARY. Interfaces that pass a single
value or record will will reference data as in: S DATA=@IBARY. Interfaces
that pass lists of records or values will reference the data as in:
S DATA=@IBARY@(<number of item on the list>).