Name Value
This file contains all relations of a veteran, including the veteran
This file relates all relations for a veteran to the veteran.  These
relations are date sensitive and can be activated and inactivated.
Data in this file is utilized by the income screening and means test
portions of MAS.  It should be edited through those applications and
not through direct access through VA FileMan.
himself/herself.  Demographic data (name, SSN, date of birth, and sex)
can be found in either the PATIENT file (if the relation is a veteran)
or in the INCOME PERSON file (if the relation is not a veteran).  A
single individual may be entered in this file more than once of that
individual is related to more than one veteran.  An example would be
a spouse that was a veteran.  One entry would exist for the veteran
himself and one as the husband of his veteran wife.  This would also
hold true for children of two veteran parents.