This file contains data elements as specified by the Decision Support
intended that the site add whatever cross references deemed necessary.
However, this file contains one nationally determined cross reference,
the "AC" cross reference on the EXTRACT NUMBER field (#2). This cross
reference is used by the DSS Extracts software package as an essential
feature for managing and purging data in this file and should not be
This file should NOT be modified directly using VA FileMan.
System (DSS) Program Office for the Nursing extract from existing
DHCP files. Entries into this file are made by extracting data from
several files. Once approved by the DSS site manager, entries in this
file are loaded into an electronic mail message and sent to the
commercial vendor. This file is intended to be used for validation
purposes only. Entries should be made only by the extract load routine.
Since validation techniques will be determined by the local site, it is