REMINDER DIALOG (801.41)    FILE (1)

Name Value
This file is used to define all of the components that work together to 
with PXRM. Entries in this file may be auto-generated via the Dialog 
Management Menu option. Manually created dialog entries should use local 
namespacing conventions. Nationally distributed entries will have their 
class type defined as National. Entries created at the VISN level should be 
defined as VISN and entries created at a site should be defined as Local.  
This file is similar to the option file where there are different types of 
entries (reminder dialog, dialog elements (sentences), prompts, and groups 
of elements, result elements and groups of result elements). Where an option 
has menu items, the dialog file has components that are entered, with the 
define a reminder dialog. Reminder dialog definitions are used by the CPRS 
sequence field as the .01 field. 
A prompt is defined for PCE prompts, WH Notification Purpose, or as locally 
created comment check-boxes. The prompts will not have any components within 
them. PXRM-prefixed prompts are distributed in this file with the Clinical 
Reminder package.  
A dialog element is defined primarily to represent sentences to display in 
the CPRS window with a check-box. When the user checks the sentence off, the
FINDING ITEM in the dialog element and the ADDITIONAL FINDINGS will be added 
GUI for reminder resolution.  
to the list of PCE updates, orders, WH Notification Purposes, and mental 
health tests. The updates won't occur on the CPRS GUI until the user clicks 
on the FINISH button. Dialog elements may have components added to them. 
Auto-generated components will be based on the additional prompts defined in 
the Finding Type Parameters. Once a dialog element is auto-generated, the 
sites can modify them.  
Dialog elements may also be instructional text or a header. The FINDING ITEM 
and components would not be defined in dialog elements.  
A dialog group is similar to menu options. It groups dialog elements and 
dialog groups within its component multiple. The dialog group can be defined 
with a finding item and a check-box. The components in the group can be 
hidden from the CPRS GUI window until the dialog group is checked off. 
A result element contains special logic that uses information entered during 
the resolution process to create a sentence to add to the progress note. The 
special logic contains a CONDITION that, when true, will use the ALTERNATE 
PROGRESS NOTE TEXT field to update the progress note. A separate result 
element is used for each separate sentence needed. The result element is 
This file contains a combination of nationally distributed entries, local 
only used with mental health test finding items. Default result elements are 
distributed for common mental health tests, prefixed with PXRM and the 
mental health test name. Sites may copy them and modify their local versions 
as needed.  
A result group contains all of the result elements that need to be checked 
to create sentences for one mental health test finding. The dialog element 
for the test will have its RESULT GROUP/ELEMENT field defined with the 
result group. Default result groups for mental health tests are distributed 
with the Clinical Reminders package. Sites may copy them and modify their local 
auto-generated entries, site and VISN exchanged entries and local manually 
versions as needed.  

Sites should name locally created items according to their local naming 
created entries. Nationally distributed dialog, element, and group 
entries have their name prefixed with VA-. Nationally distributed Prompts, 
Forced Value, Result Groups, and Result Elements have their name prefixed