Name Value
When none of the standard Clinical Reminder finding types will work, a
finding as finding to a reminder definition or term, it is done using
the name. For example, you would type CF.VA-BMI to add the exported
VA-BMI computed finding to your reminder definition.
ROUTINE - this is the name of the MUMPS routine.
ENTRY - this is the entry point in the MUMPS routine.
PRINT NAME - this will be displayed on the Clinical Maintenance
component as the name of the computed finding. If it is blank, then NAME
computed finding can be created. There are two steps in creating a
will be used.

TYPE - this is a set of codes that specifies what type of computed
finding this is. "S" stands for single occurrence, "M" for multiple occurrence,
and "L" for list. If it is blank, single will be assumed.

This file contains a combination of nationally distributed and local
entries. Nationally distributed entries have their name prefixed with
VA-. Local entry names cannot start with VA-.
computed finding. First a MUMPS routine must be written. Information
about how to do this can be found in the Clinical Reminders Manager
Manual. The second step is to make an entry in this file, which
contains a list of reminder computed findings. There are four fields
for each entry; they are:
NAME - this is the name of the computed finding. When adding a computed