V SKIN TEST (9000010.12)    FILE (1)

Name Value
This file has been designed for joint use by the Indian Health Service and the
ICD code, then a CPT or ICD entry will automatically be entered into the V
CPT or V POV file. This supports getting workload credit from clinical
activities. The CODING SYSTEM multiple of the SKIN TEST file (#9999999.28)
defines the relationships between Skin Tests and CPT and ICD codes.

Department of Veteran Affairs. There will be one record for each type of skin
test given to a patient on a given visit. Data must exist for a patient and a
visit before data can be entered here. The record is normally created when a
skin test is given, and the results, if available, are entered later and
matched to the original record. If results are entered and a skin test given
does not exist, a new record is created.
In the VA, if a skin test is entered into PCE that has a related CPT or