Function description
To post an initial action note on a consult, follow these steps:
Step Action
1 At the following prompt: Select Item(s): Next Screen//, type PI
to access the Post Initial Action option, and press <Enter.>
2 The next prompt displays: Enter a list or a range of numbers
(shown in parenthesis) to select a suspense record.
3 Type the number for the record you want to post an initial action
note, and press <Enter.>
4 At the next prompt, Edit? No//, type a Y for Yes to create a new
5 The text editor displays for you to type a free-text note. Press
the "Num Lock" key and the "E" key to save the data and exit out
of the text editor. You will then return to continue processing
suspense records.
An initial action note can be posted on a suspense record. This signifies
that some form of action has taken place. The status changes from OPEN to
PENDING and will remain in this status until all action is completed.