Function description
Note: If an order is forwarded to Rehab for a patient to be evaluated,
then the order may be resent to Prosthetics after that for a request for
item(s) or service.
Steps To forward a CPRS order, follow these steps:
Step Action
1 At the Select Item(s): Next Screen// prompt, type FW for the
Forward Consult option, and press <Enter.>
2 Type a number (from the list shown) to select an order, and press
3 At the Consult Request Service prompt, enter the service where the
consult will be forwarded.
4 At the Edit? NO// prompt, type YES to enter a free-text Completion
5 In the text editor, revise the information as needed.
6 When complete, press the "Num Lock" key + "E" key to exit out of
If an order is made through CPRS and sent electronically to Prosthetics,
the text editor, save the data, and return to the Suspense
Processing list.
it can then be forwarded, but not cancelled.
If an order is forwarded then a prompt to enter the service the
order is being forwarded to will be invoked.
The status changes from OPEN to CLOSED in the Suspense list when an order
has been forwarded.