This action permits the user to add a new entry to an interdisciplinary
interdisciplinary note, and the user is asked to select the note to attach
it to. If an individual entry of an interdisciplinary note is selected,
the option attempts to detach it from the interdisciplinary note.
All of these actions are governed by business rules. The two
business rule actions specific to ID notes are ATTACH TO ID NOTE, and
ATTACH ID ENTRY. There is no business rule detach action. Those users who
can ATTACH a note TO AN ID NOTE are permitted to detach the note once it
is attached.
note, attach a stand-alone note to an interdisciplinary note, or to detach
an entry from an interdisciplinary note.
Only one note at a time can be selected for this action.
The action taken depends on the note selected. If an interdisciplinary
note is selected, the option attempts to add a new entry to it. If a
stand-alone note is selected, the option attempts to attach it to an