Definition Revised (2015):
b. UTI Signs/Symptoms: Fever
Yes = Patient has a fever > 38C at the time of culture or onset
of symptoms
No = Patient does not have a fever > 38C at the time of culture
or onset of signs or symptoms
c. UTI Signs/Symptoms: Tenderness
Yes = Patient has suprapubic tenderness, costovertebral angle
pain or tenderness with no other recognized cause
SYMPTOMATIC UTI - CULTURE plus SIGN/SYMPTOM within 1 calendar day of
No = Patient does not have suprapubic tenderness, costovertebral
angle pain or tenderness
d. UTI Culture: (must choose 1 or 2)
1. Patient has a positive urine culture that is > 10^5 colony-
forming units (CFU)/ml with no more than 2 species of
2. A positive urine culture of >=10^3 and <10^5 colony-forming
units (CFU)/ml with no more than 2 species of microorganisms
each other:
plus one of the following three items: a) positive dipstick for
leukocyte esterase and/or nitrate; b) Pyuria (urine specimen
with > 10 white blood cell [WBC]/mm3 of unspun urine or > 3
WBC high-power field of spun urine) or c) microorganisms seen
of Gram's stain of unspun urine
At the time of specimen collection for suspected urinary tract infection
during the post-operative 30 day period, answer the following about
indwelling urethral catheter:
I) IN PLACE > 2 calendar days on the day of UTI Signs/Symptoms and UTI
Culture sample.
R) RECENTLY REMOVED, had been in place > 2 calendar days but removed the
day of or the day before UTI Signs/Symptoms and UTI Culture sample.
S) SHORT DURATION, present at the time of UTI Signs/Symptoms and UTI
Culture sample but had not been present > 2 calendar days.
a. UTI Signs/Symptoms: Urg/Freq/Dys
D) DISTANT REMOVAL, placed in the perioperative period and present >2
calendar days, but removed >2 calendar days prior to UTI Signs/Symptoms
and UTI Culture sample.
N) NO CATHETER, did not have an indwelling urethral catheter > 2 calendar
Yes = Patient has urgency, frequency, or dysuria with no other
recognized cause
No = Patient does not complain of urgency, frequency or dysuria OR
has a catheter in place