This component lists the immunizations (e.g., Rubella, Smallpox, etc.) and
marked with a '<**>'. The name of the immunization, date of administration
and reaction/contraindications are displayed at the end of the display. If
the record has a comment it is marked with a <C>. Comments can be viewed
in the Detailed Immunizations Health Summary component.
information about each immunization administered to a particular patient.
Time and maximum occurrence limits apply, and the user is allowed to
select any of the immunizations defined in the Immunization (#9999999.14)
file. The user may select a time limit up to 99 years and 999 maximum
occurrences. Data are displayed by administration date in reverse
chronological order and then alphabetically by immunization name. Data
presented include immunization name, series, administration date and
facility. If there is a reaction and/or contraindication, the record is