- DESCRIPTION: Excision of localized tumor mass
- DESCRIPTION: Excision of localized tumor mass w reconstruction
- DESCRIPTION: Splenectomy (partial, total, or NOS)
- DESCRIPTION: Splenectomy (partial, total, or NOS) w reconstruction
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, one chain
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, one chain + splenectomy
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, one chain w reconstruction
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, 2+ chains &/aj organs
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, 2+ chains &/aj organs + splenectomy
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, 2+ chains &/aj organs w recon
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, NOS
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, NOS + splenectomy
- DESCRIPTION: Lymph node dissection, NOS w reconstruction
- DESCRIPTION: Surgery regional &/ distant site(s)/nodes(s) only
- DESCRIPTION: Surgery regional &/ distant site(s)/nodes(s) only w recon
- DESCRIPTION: Surgery, NOS w reconstruction