This option searches for: (1) discontinued and expired medication orders
The date range pertains to the original order date of the order as well
as some (not all) activity dates on the order. (Any activity which sets a
date/time subscript into the "AF" cross reference of the ORDERS (#100)
file will be included in the date range search.)
After completion, an alert and MailMan message are sent to the user who
invoked the option.
which are still active in the ORDERS (#100) file; and (2) discontinued or
expired orders in the ORDERS (#100) file which are not discontinued or
expired in the corresponding medication file.
This option is tasked after the user specifies the search criteria
consisting of a date range, type(s) of medication orders to evaluate, and
whether erroneously active statuses in the ORDERS (#100) file should be
corrected to match the status in the associated medication file.