This option generates a report of any free-text values that reside
records in the file with that location, and if the location would
be converted to a pointer by the 'Convert Free-Text Locations'
option. A free-text location can be converted to a pointer if it matches
a Space file Room Number or Synonym field. A leading '*' in the free
text value will be ignored when checking for a match.
See the 'Convert Free-Text Locations' option for more information.
in the location field of a user-specified file. Either the Work Order
file (#6920) or the Equipment Inventory file (#6914) can be selected.
The location field in both these files became a pointer type field to
the Space file during installation of Engineering version 7. Some
location values in these files may not have been converted to pointers.
The report will list each unique free-text location, the number of