S SYS="CS" F S SYS=$O(^%ZIS(14.5,"B",SYS)) Q:SYS'["CS" S UCI="VAH",%X="^XUTL(""XQO"",",%Y="^[UCI,SYS]XUTL(""XQO"",",%=$E(%Y,1,$L(%Y)-1)_")" X "K @% D %XY^%RCR" |
This option is just for the MSM 486 site that run Taskman only on the
print server and need to get up-dated compiled menus to the compute
It should be scheduled to run after the menu tree rebuild has finished on
the print server. As distributed it only copies the compiled menus to a
UCI named VAH on compute servers named CSA,CSB,...
It uses %RCR to copy the data.