This option allows for the printing of a report to track the
The data elements that are displayed on the report are Patient name; PT ID;
Event Date; location; when sorting by Service/Specialty the physicians
name will be displayed; type of report (discharge summary, interim
and OP report); status (Undictated, dictated, transcribed, signed)
dictation date; D/C-DIC (number of days from discharge to dictation)
DIC-TRN (number of days from dictation to transcription); TRN-COD (number
of days from transcription to coding); TOT DAYS (total days it took for
the record to be completed); DELQ>30 (number of days over 30 that the
record is delinquent).
number of days it takes to complete a record from the Event Date
to the date that the record is coded. Its major sorts are by
Physician or Service/Specialty. It also sorts
for Inpatient, outpatients or both and the report gives you the
option to print a totals after the patient list or a totals page
without the patient list. If a facility is multidivisional the
Division prompt is asked.