This option will update the appointment status for today's outpatient
updated in case the option does not execute, for any reason, on a
particular date.
Note: Inpatient encounters and encounters for 'non-count' clinics are
not updated since they are not reported to Austin for workload
A Mailman message will be sent to the mail group specified by
the APPT. UPDATE MAIL GROUP site parameter. The message will
indicate the overall results of this background job by providing the
encounters. If an encounter has not been checked-in, no-showed or cancelled,
following information:
o clinic
o number of encounters that flagged as 'no action taken'
o the total number of encounters
o percentage flagged as 'no action taken'
then it will be given the status of 'NO ACTION TAKEN'. Such encounters
will not be used as part of NPCDB workload reporting.
This option should be queued to be run daily.
Also, this option will update any encounter date in the last thirty days
that has not been updated. This will help keep the encounter dates