This function is used mainly by the technologist to change the
of data to be asked is limited.
A status can be flagged not to appear as part of the exam status tracking.
A site may not want to display a particular exam status, if the data
needed to change the exam to the next status is usually not entered via
this option. For example, going from the 'Examined' status to
'Transcribed' status usually requires interpreting physician's data, but
this is usually entered by the transcriptionist while entering the report.
By limiting the statuses that appear under this function,
status of an exam.
total system performance is improved because of less processing.
This function is different than the 'Case No. Exam Edit'
function, since only certain prompts are asked for each status
change, while 'Case No. Exam Edit' always asks the same prompts.
The type of data asked for during each status change is
specified by the site. The number of statuses and names
are also site specific. However, the choices of what type