- Assess for causative and contributing factors and the extent and nature of memory loss.
- Educate patient/family regarding causes of memory loss and techniques for improving memory.
- Evaluate patient's current level of cognitive function for both remote and recent events.
- Identify self and call patient by name at each meeting.
- Orient patient to environment and daily routine by labeling patient's room, personal items, keeping a notebook of reminders, and using calendars and familiar photos.
- Other
- Reorient patient frequently to time, date, person, and place.
- Talk with patient about familiar and meaningful things and encourage reminiscing.
- Use short, simple words and phrases focusing on one piece of information at a time.
Inability to remember or recall bits of information or behavioral skills.
May be related to Pathophysiologic central nervous system changes
secondary to degenerative brain disease, lesion, head injury, CVA, or
reduced quantity or quality of information processed secondary to
sensory deficits, fatigue, educational level, intellectual skills. Can also
be related to situation changes such as grieving, anxiety or
depression, lack of motivation, substance abuse, stress, pain, and
sleep disturbances.2
May be attributed to pathophysiological or situational causes that are
1 NANDA International (2005). Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions &
Classification 2005-2006. Philadelphia: Author.
2Carpenito, L. J. (2000). Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical
Practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
either temporary or permanent1
Defining Characteristics: Inability to recall factual information, or recent
or past events; Inability to learn or retain new skills or information;
Inability to determine if a behavior was performed; Observed or
reported experiences of forgetting; Inability to perform a previously
learned skill; Forgets to perform a behavior at a scheduled time.1