All enrolled Veterans have a comprehensive medical benefits package, which
Veteran authorized to receive medical benefits with:
. Copay charges for Treatment
. No Copay charges for Medication
Must be in:
. MT Status in a Pending Adjudication
. Priority Group 7
For eligible individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access
to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will
VA administers through an annual patient enrollment system. Veterans who
furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as
appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care.
Eligible individuals are Veterans who served in the active military
service, and meet the minimum duty service requirement according to 38
USC 5303A.
For eligible individuals, under Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas Supporting
Expanded Review for Veterans in Combat Environments (SERVICE) Act, VA
will furnish clinically appropriate breast cancer risk assessment for
care. Eligible individuals are Veterans who served in the active military
meet Veteran status for VA healthcare benefits and current Means Test is
service, and meet the minimum duty service requirement according to 38 USC
based on Net Worth Adjudication. Their income plus net worth is above the
National Threshold, but income alone is below the VA Pension Threshold.
They are subject to copays for their inpatient, outpatient services but not
subject to copay for their medications.