Collateral of Veteran Other identifies collateral population not identified
. Documented in the treatment plan and progress notes in such a way as to
demonstrate the role of the person in assisting the Veteran to achieve
a specific treatment goal or goals.
This includes VHA Transplant Program, Marriage/Family Counseling,
Examples of collateral visits include
. An initial and follow-up contacts for a person assisting a Veterans
physical rehabilitation program in the home
. Participation of a family member in outpatient family psychotherapy,
. Continuing education and follow through with primary care giver such as
residential care sponsor
in other specific VHA Profiles. A person, related to or associated with a
. VHA Transplant Program
Veteran (spouse, family member, or significant other) receiving care from the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The person is seen by a professional
member of the VA health care facility's (HCF's) staff either within the
facility or at a site away from the facility for reasons relating to the
Veteran's clinical care.
The purpose of this clinical contact must be
. An integral part of the Veteran's treatment plan, and