Veterans who are enrolled and not enrolled Veterans and former service
o Cancelled/Declined - Receive medical benefits for HUD-VASH
conditions only
o Rejected - Receive medical benefits for HUD-VASH and SC conditions
o Ineligible and SC 0% - Receive medical benefits for HUD-VASH and
SC conditions only
o Ineligible and MST - Receive medical benefits for HUD-VASH and
MST conditions only
o Ineligible with a bar to benefits (excluding Dishonorable, Bad
members can be seen for services related to their enrollment in the
Conduct General Court Martial and Fugitive Felon Program (FFP)) -
Receive medical benefits for HUD-VASH conditions only
o Former service members with Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharges
who present for certain services
o Presumptive (38 USC 1702-38 CFR 17.109)
Housing and Urban Development Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing
(HUD-VASH) program. These Veterans and former service members are not
subject to copayment requirements and are exempt from copayments for
inpatient services and medications related to their HUD-VASH services.
Veterans and former service members assigned the HUD-VASH Restricted Care
VHAP must meet one of the following conditions: