N Z,Z1,Z2,Q F Z=1:1:3 I $S(Z=1:1,1:$D(^DGCR(399,IBXIEN,"I"_Z))) S Z2=$$ESGHPST^IBCEF21(IBXIEN,Z),Z1=$P(Z2,U,2),Q="" S:'Z2 Q=$$POLICY^IBCEF(IBXIEN,6,$E("PST",Z)) S:Q'="" Z1=$$EMPSTAT^IBCEF(IBXIEN,Q) S:Q=""&(Z1="") Z1=9 S IBXDATA(Z)=$P(Z1,U) |
Extracts the primary, secondary, and tertiary insurance company insured's
employment status into the IBXDATA(1),(2),(3) array for bill entry IBXIEN.
If the plan is Employer Sponsored (ESGHP) then extracts Employment Status
with the employer who sponsors the plan. Otherwise extracts the insured's
current employment status, or 9=unknown (if spouse or veteran only).