K IBXSAVE("OSQ") N C,Z,Q,OK M Q=IBXSAVE("PROVINF",IBXIEN,"O") S (C,Z)=0 F S Z=$O(Q(Z)) Q:'Z S OK=0 X "N A F A=1:1 Q:'$D(Q(Z,2,A)) I $P(Q(Z,2,A),U,4)'="""" S OK=1 Q" I OK S C=C+1,IBXDATA(C)=$G(Q(Z)),IBXSAVE("OSQ",Z)=C D:C>1 ID^IBCEF2(C,"OP2 ") |
Output if an ID exists for the 'other insurance'. If more than 1 insurance
must output the record id. Must kill the IBXSAVE("OSQ") array as this
is used to determine the current bill's sequence of other providers and
which IBXDATA array entry needs to be set for each. This variable must
be killed at the last field for this record. IBXSAVE("OSQ",n)=m where
n = the sequence for the other insurance (if bill is primary, 1=secondary,
2=tertiary; if bill is secondary, 1=primary, 2=tertiary; if bill is
tertiary, 1=primary, 2=secondary. And where m=the IBXDATA(m) entry to
set for the 'n' COB sequence.