N Z,Z0,Z1 F Z=1:1 Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"IBC-RC",Z)) S Z1=^(Z),Z0=$S(+Z1=1:$J($P(Z1,U,6),7),+Z1=2:$E($P(Z1,U,2),53,59),1:$E($P(Z1,U,2),48,54)) S:Z'>22 IBXDATA(Z)=Z0 D:Z>22 CKREV^IBCEF3(Z,Z0) |
This data element is a group data element where more than one occurrence
field is extracted from positions 48-54.
Since only 22 lines of service line can appear on one form, if there
are more than 22 lines, subsequent pages are forced for the remaining data
lines after 22.
might be expected. It relies on the presence of data in array
IBXSAVE("REV",n) extracted previously. The first '^' piece of the array
indicates whether this is a 'normal' service data line (=1) or a text line
(=2 or =3). For a normal service line, the data is found in the sixth '^'
piece of the array. For text line
where the first piece = 2, the text is assumed to start in column 1, so the
data is extracted from positions 53-59. For text line where the first
piece = 3, the text is assumed to start in column 6, so the data for this