N A,C,R,Z,E,D M A=IBXDATA S (Z,R)=0,C=1 K IBXDATA F S Z=$O(A(Z)) Q:'Z S A=$TR($P($$ICD9^IBACSV(+A(Z),$$BDATE^IBACSV(IBXIEN)),U),".") I A'="" D ID1^IBCEF2(.R,.A,.C,.D,.E) Q:C="" I A'="" S IBXDATA(R)=A |
This is a group data element so more than 1 occurrence of a value is
possible for the data element in the IBXDATA array. Each diagnosis code
name is stripped of its decimal point and is output on its own DCn entry
where n is a record count that will allow it to be mapped into one of the
12 available pieces of the 837 diagnosis code record correctly. This is
done to accommodate Austin's translator and one of its shortcomings. Save
off the extract sequence # of each diagnosis output in the global array
^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX") for later use.