Dun #: |1| Vendor Name: |2|
Socioeconomic Factors
Business Size: |11|
Minority Small: |12|
Minority Large: |13|
Woman Small: |14|
Woman Large: |15|
Disadv. Small: |16|
Vietnam Vet: |17|
Section 8(A): |18|
Payment Address
Tax ID: |3| Phone #: |4|
Addr Name 1: |19|
Addr Name 2: |20|
Line #1: |21|
Line #2: |22|
Line #3: |23|
City: |24|
State |25|
Zip Code: |26|
Please review this information and determine if the File #440 values for
Ordering Address
this vendor need to be updated.
The vendor supplied this information in support of a quote for RFQ
# |27|.
Line #1: |5|
Line #2: |6|
Line #3: |7|
City: |8|
State: |9|
Zip Code: |10|