Name | Value |
LAST UPDATE | 2022-04-08 09:14:40 |
ENTRY CHECKSUM | 2817523894 |
ENTRY SPECIFICATION | {"name": "HSI", }, {"id": "q7875", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "1. How soon after you wake up do you smoke/use your first cigarette?", "intro": "Please read each item carefully and give your best response.", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c106387", "text": "1. Less than 5 min", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c106388", "text": "2. 6-30 min", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c106389", "text": "3. 31-60 min", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c106390", "text": "4. After 1 hr.", "quickKey": 4} "copyright": "Adapted with permission: The Fagerstrm Test for Nicotine Dependence: a revision ]}, {"id": "q7876", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "2. How many cigarettes do you smoke in a day?", "intro": "Please read each item carefully and give your best response.", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c106391", "text": "1. 10 or less", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c106392", "text": "2. 11-20", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c106393", "text": "3. 21-30", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c106394", "text": "4. 31 or more", "quickKey": 4} of the Fagerstrm Tolerance Questionnaire, by T. F. Heatherton, L. et al., 1991, ]}] } British Journal of Addiction, 86(9).", "restartDays": 2, "printTitle": "Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI)", "content":[ {"id": "i2368", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Please read each item carefully and give your best response." |