CES (109)    MH TEST/SURVEY SPEC (601.712)

Name Value
LAST UPDATE 2022-04-08 09:15:51
{"name": "CES", 
    "text": "1. Did you ever go on combat patrols or have other dangerous duty?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3863", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3864", "text": "2. 1-3 times", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3865", "text": "3. 4-12 times", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3866", "text": "4. 13-50 times", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3867", "text": "5. 51+ times", "quickKey": 5}
 "copyright": "Copyright  1989, National Center for PTSD", 
   {"id": "q7945", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "2. Were you ever under enemy fire?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3868", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3869", "text": "2. \u003C1 month", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3870", "text": "3. 1-3 months", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3871", "text": "4. 4-6 months", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3872", "text": "5. 7+ months", "quickKey": 5}
 "restartDays": 2, 
   {"id": "q7946", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "3. Were you ever surrounded by the enemy?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3863", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3873", "text": "2. 1-2 times", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3874", "text": "3. 3-12 times", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3875", "text": "4. 13-25 times", "quickKey": 4}, 
 "printTitle": "Combat Exposure Scale (CES)",
     {"id": "c3876", "text": "5. 26+ times", "quickKey": 5}
   {"id": "q7947", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "4. What percentage of the soldiers in your unit were killed (KIA), wounded or
 missing in action (MIA)?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3877", "text": "1. None", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3878", "text": "2. 1-25%", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3879", "text": "3. 26-50%", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3880", "text": "4. 51-75%", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3881", "text": "5. 76% or more", "quickKey": 5}
   {"id": "q7948", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "5. How often did you fire rounds at the enemy?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3868", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1}, 
   {"id": "i2373", "type": "IntroText", 
     {"id": "c3873", "text": "2. 1-2 times", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3874", "text": "3. 3-12 times", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3866", "text": "4. 13-50 times", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3867", "text": "5. 51+ times", "quickKey": 5}
   {"id": "q7949", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "6. How often did you see someone hit by incoming or outgoing rounds?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
    "text": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience."
     {"id": "c3868", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3873", "text": "2. 1-2 times", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3874", "text": "3. 3-12 times", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3866", "text": "4. 13-50 times", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3867", "text": "5. 51+ times", "quickKey": 5}
   {"id": "q7950", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, 
    "text": "7. How often were you in danger of being injured or killed (i.e., being pinned
 down, overrun, ambushed, near miss, etc.)?", 
    "intro": "Please select the number with the answer that best describes your experience.", 
    "columns": 1, 
     {"id": "c3868", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3873", "text": "2. 1-2 times", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c3874", "text": "3. 3-12 times", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c3866", "text": "4. 13-50 times", "quickKey": 4}, 
     {"id": "c3867", "text": "5. 51+ times", "quickKey": 5}
   {"id": "q7944", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false,