Name | Value |
LAST UPDATE | 2023-02-17 13:52:39 |
ENTRY CHECKSUM | 163745650 |
ENTRY SPECIFICATION | {"name": "BSS", {"id": "c650", "text": "2. I am not or only a little concerned about killing myself because of family, friends, religion, possible injury from an unsuccessful attempt, etc.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q439", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "11. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c651", "text": "0. My reasons for wanting to commit suicide are primarily aimed at influencing other people, such as getting even with people, making people pay attention to "choices":[ me, etc.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c652", "text": "1. My reasons for wanting to commit suicide are not only aimed at influencing other people, but also represent a way of solving my problems.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c653", "text": "2. My reasons for wanting to commit suicide are primarily based upon escaping from my problems.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q440", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "12. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", {"id": "c621", "text": "0. I have a moderate to strong wish to live.", "quickKey": 0}, "choices":[ {"id": "c654", "text": "0. I have no specific plan about how to kill myself.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c655", "text": "1. I have considered ways of killing myself, but have not worked out the details.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c656", "text": "2. I have a specific plan for killing myself.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q441", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "13. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c622", "text": "1. I have a weak wish to live.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c657", "text": "0. I do not have access to a method or an opportunity to kill myself.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c658", "text": "1. The method that I would use for committing suicide takes time, and I really do not have a good opportunity to use this method.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c659", "text": "2. I have access or anticipate having access to the method that I would choose for killing myself and also have opportunity to use it.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q442", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "14. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", {"id": "c623", "text": "2. I have no wish to live.", "quickKey": 2} "choices":[ {"id": "c660", "text": "0. I do not have the courage or the ability to commit suicide.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c661", "text": "1. I am unsure that I have the courage or the ability to commit suicide.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c662", "text": "2. I have the courage and the ability to commit suicide.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q443", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "15. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ ]}, {"id": "c663", "text": "0. I do not expect to make a suicide attempt.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c664", "text": "1. I am unsure that I shall make a suicide attempt.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c665", "text": "2. I am sure that I shall make a suicide attempt.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q444", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "16. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c666", "text": "0. I have made no preparations for committing suicide.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "q430", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, {"id": "c667", "text": "1. I have made some preparations for committing suicide.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c668", "text": "2. I have almost finished or completed my preparations for committing suicide.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q445", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "17. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c669", "text": "0. I have not written a suicide note.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c670", "text": "1. I have thought about writing a suicide note or have started to write one, but "text": "2. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been have not completed it.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c671", "text": "2. I have completed a suicide note.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q446", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "18. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c672", "text": "0. I have made no arrangements for what will happen after I have committed suicide.", "quickKey": 0}, feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", {"id": "c673", "text": "1. I have thought about making some arrangements for what will happen after I have committed suicide.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c674", "text": "2. I have made definite arrangements for what will happen after I have committed suicide.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q447", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "19. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c675", "text": "0. I have not hidden my desire to kill myself from people.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c676", "text": "1. I have held back telling people about wanting to kill myself.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c677", "text": "2. I have attempted to hide, conceal, or lie about wanting to commit suicide.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q448", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "20. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c678", "text": "0. I have never attempted suicide.", "quickKey": 0}, "copyright": "Copyright 2001 Aaron T. Beck. Reproduced, adapted and translated with "choices":[ {"id": "c679", "text": "1. I have attempted suicide once.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c680", "text": "2. I have attempted suicide two or more times.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q449", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "21. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c681", "text": "0. My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was low.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c682", "text": "1. My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was moderate.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c624", "text": "0. I have no wish to die.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c683", "text": "2. My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was high.", "quickKey": 2} ]}], "rules":[ {"question": "q432", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c630", "validation": "all", "conjunction": "and", "question2": "q433", "operator2": "EQ", "value2": "c633", "skips":["q434","q435","q436","q437","q438","q439","q440","q441","q442","q443","q444","q445","q446","q447"]}, {"question": "q433", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c633", "validation": "all", "conjunction": "and", "skips":["q434","q435","q436","q437","q438","q439","q440","q441","q442","q443","q444","q445","q446","q447"]}, {"question": "q448", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c678", "skips":["q449"]}] {"id": "c625", "text": "1. I have a weak wish to die.", "quickKey": 1}, } {"id": "c626", "text": "2. I have a moderate to strong wish to die.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q431", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "3. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ permission of Publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.", {"id": "c627", "text": "0. My reasons for living outweigh my reasons for dying.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c628", "text": "1. My reasons for living or dying are about equal.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c629", "text": "2. My reasons for dying outweigh my reasons for living.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q432", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "4. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c630", "text": "0. I have no desire to kill myself.", "quickKey": 0}, "restartDays": 2, {"id": "c631", "text": "1. I have a weak desire to kill myself.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c632", "text": "2. I have a moderate to strong desire to kill myself.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q433", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "5. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c633", "text": "0. I would try to save my life if I found myself in a life-threatening situation.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c634", "text": "1. I would take a chance on life or death if I found myself in a life-threatening "printTitle": "Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation", situation.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c635", "text": "2. I would not take the steps necessary to avoid death if I found myself in a life-threatening situation.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q434", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "6. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c636", "text": "0. I have brief periods of thinking about killing myself which pass quickly.", "quickKey": 0}, "content":[ {"id": "c637", "text": "1. I have periods of thinking about killing myself which last for moderate amounts of time.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c638", "text": "2. I have long periods of thinking about killing myself.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q435", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "7. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c639", "text": "0. I rarely or only occasionally think about killing myself.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "q429", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, {"id": "c640", "text": "1. I have frequent thoughts about killing myself.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c641", "text": "2. I continuously think about killing myself.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q436", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "8. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c642", "text": "0. I do not accept the idea of killing myself.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c643", "text": "1. I neither accept nor reject the idea of killing myself.", "quickKey": 1}, "text": "1. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been {"id": "c644", "text": "2. I accept the idea of killing myself.", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q437", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "9. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c645", "text": "0. I can keep myself from committing suicide.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c646", "text": "1. I am unsure that I can keep myself from committing suicide.", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c647", "text": "2. I cannot keep myself from committing suicide.", "quickKey": 2} feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", ]}, {"id": "q438", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "text": "10. Select the one statement in each group that BEST describes how you have been feeling for the PAST WEEK, INCLUDING TODAY.", "choices":[ {"id": "c648", "text": "0. I would not kill myself because of my family, friends, religion, possible injury from an unsuccessful attempt, etc.", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c649", "text": "1. I am somewhat concerned about killing myself because of my family, friends, religion, possible injury from an unsuccessful attempt, etc.", "quickKey": 1}, |