Name | Value |
LAST UPDATE | 2024-05-02 08:30:42 |
ENTRY CHECKSUM | 1159325969 |
ENTRY SPECIFICATION | {"name": "Q-LES-Q-SF", /> Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, you been with:" {"id": "q8217", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "7. Your leisure time activities?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, }, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8218", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "8. Your ability to function in daily life?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", {"id": "q8211", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you "text": "1. Your physical health?", been with:" }, {"id": "q8219", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "9. Your sexual drive, interest and/or performance?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, "intro": "INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully and respond as instructed. <br /> <br {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8220", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "10. Your economic status?", /> Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, you been with:", {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8221", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "11. Your living/housing situation?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ "columns": 1, {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, "choices":[ {"id": "q8222", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "12. Your ability to get around physically without feeling dizzy or unsteady or falling?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, "copyright": "The Q-LES-Q-SF is copyrighted by Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Permission granted to {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8223", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "13. Your vision in terms of ability to do work or hobbies?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8224", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "14. Your overall sense of well-being?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8225", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} "text": "15. Your medication?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5}, ]}, {"id": "c3926", "text": "6. Click here if the patient is not taking any medication.", "quickKey": 6} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8226", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "16. How would you rate your overall life satisfaction and contentment during the past week?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}] } "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, electronically reproduce for clinicians use and research in non-industry {"id": "q8212", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "2. Your mood?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, studies. For other uses, contact copyright holder.", {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8213", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "3. Your work?", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "restartDays": 2, "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have "printTitle": "Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire - Short Form", you been with:" }, {"id": "q8214", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "4. Your household activities?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, "content":[ {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, {"id": "i2387", "type": "IntroText", "text": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8215", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "5. Your social relationships?", {"id": "i2382", "type": "IntroText", "intro": "Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3921", "text": "1. Very Poor", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3922", "text": "2. Poor", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c3923", "text": "3. Fair", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c3924", "text": "4. Good", "quickKey": 4}, {"id": "c3925", "text": "5. Very Good", "quickKey": 5} ]}, "text": "INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully and respond as instructed. <br /> <br {"id": "i2388", "type": "IntroText", "text": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:" }, {"id": "q8216", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": false, "text": "6. Your family relationships?", "intro": " Taking everything into consideration, during the last week how satisfied have you been with:", "columns": 1, "choices":[ |