{"name": "ISS-2",
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8323", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "5. Today I actually feel great inside.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
Very Much So/ <br />
{"id": "q8324", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "6. Today I feel impulsive.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8325", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "7. Today I feel depressed.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8326", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
Much of the time"
"text": "8. Today my thoughts are going fast.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
"copyright": "Used with permission of the author",
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "q8319", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8327", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "9. Today it seems like nothing will ever work out for me.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
"text": "1. Today my mood is changeable.",
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8328", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "10. Today I feel overactive.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
{"id": "q8329", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "11. Today I feel as if the world is against me.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
Very Much So/ <br />
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8330", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "12. Today I feel \u0022sped up\u0022 inside.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
"restartDays": 2,
Much of the time",
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8331", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"columns": 11,
"text": "13. Today I feel restless.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8332", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "14. Today I feel argumentative.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8333", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "15. Today I feel energized.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "i2390", "type": "IntroText",
"text": "Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 -
50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br />
Manic/<br />
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
High<br />"
{"id": "q8334", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "16. Today I feel.",
"intro": "Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 -
50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Depressed/ Normal
"printTitle": "Internal State Scale - Version 2 (ISS-2)",
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
Manic/ <br /> Down
High<br />",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8320", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "2. Today I feel irritable.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "i2389", "type": "IntroText",
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8321", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
"text": "3. Today I feel like a capable person.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/
Very Much So/ <br />
Much of the time",
"columns": 11,
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
{"id": "c3959", "text": " 0"},
{"id": "c3960", "text": " 10"},
{"id": "c3961", "text": " 20"},
{"id": "c3962", "text": " 30"},
{"id": "c3963", "text": " 40"},
{"id": "c3964", "text": " 50"},
{"id": "c3965", "text": " 60"},
{"id": "c3966", "text": " 70"},
{"id": "c3967", "text": " 80"},
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
{"id": "c3968", "text": " 90"},
{"id": "c3969", "text": " 100"}
{"id": "q8322", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,
"text": "4. Today I feel like people are out to get me.",
"intro": "For each of the following statements, please select the number that best
describes the way you have felt over the past 24 hours. While there may have
been some change during that time, try to give a single summary rating for each
item.<br /> <br /> Use the following to describe your feelings:<br /> <br /> 0 -
10 - 20 - 30 -40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100<br /> Not at all/