SBAF (151)    MH TEST/SURVEY SPEC (601.712)

Name Value
LAST UPDATE 2022-12-02 18:48:22
{"name": "SBAF",
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8871", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "8. Check locks on doors or windows",
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
   {"id": "q8864", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "i2495", "type": "IntroText",
    "text": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
    "text": "1. Scope places out before entering",
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior."
   {"id": "q8872", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "9. Over-plan for everyday events",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8873", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "10. Call or contact loved ones to make sure they are ok",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8874", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
    "text": "11. Procrastinate before I start something or make a decision",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
 that behavior.",
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8875", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "12. Research things before I start or before making a decision",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8876", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "13. Try to do things perfectly",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8877", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "14. Monitor the clock",
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
 "restartDays": 2,
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
   {"id": "q8878", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "15. Ask others for reassurance (e.g., about a decision or worry)",
    "intro": "<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior
 please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently
 you engage in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "i2496", "type": "IntroText",
    "text": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior."
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8879", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "16. Monitor others' reactions to things I say",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8880", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "17. Prepare things to say while others are talking",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
   {"id": "q8865", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8881", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "18. Talk through silences or talk so that silences do not occur",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
    "text": "2. Sit with back to wall",
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8882", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
    "text": "19. Be overly polite or agreeable",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8883", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "20. Attempt to hide anxiety (e.g., put hands in pocket because they are shaking)",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8884", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "21. Leave events or activities early",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 that behavior.",
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8885", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "22. Make little eye contact",
 "printTitle": "Safety Behavior Assessment Form",
    "columns": 1,
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8886", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "23. Respond to calls with text messages",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8887", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "24. Plan and/or rehearse what I am going to say ahead of time",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8888", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "25. Make myself look busy while at work or when out in public so that others do
 not talk to me",
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8889", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "26. Cut conversations short",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8890", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "27. Monitor what I say in conversations",
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
   {"id": "q8866", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8891", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "28. Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to speak with
    "text": "3. Rush through stores or go directly to desired items and leave as quickly as
    "intro": "<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "i2497", "type": "IntroText",
    "text": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior."
   {"id": "q8892", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "29. Take it easy when I exercise (or do other activities that require physical
 exertion) so my heart rate does not get too high",
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
   {"id": "q8893", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "30. Stay on the outside of crowds and/or monitor for exits or escape routes",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8894", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "31. Carry a medication in case I need it",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8895", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "32. Check my pulse or heart rate",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
    "columns": 1,
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8896", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "33. Check that I can swallow without choking",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8897", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "34. Stay within certain distances from home (or other safe places)",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8898", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "35. Pay attention to body for physical symptoms or sensations",
    "intro": "<strong><i>PANIC</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make
 themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "i2498", "type": "IntroText",
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
    "text": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior."
   {"id": "q8899", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "36. Call doctors' offices (or health-lines) frequently",
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
   {"id": "i2482", "type": "IntroText",
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8900", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "37. Check my body for problems (pain, discomfort, symmetry, discoloration, new
   {"id": "q8867", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
 growth, etc.)",
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
    "text": "4. Check yard or the area around your home (\u0022Perimeter Checks\u0022)",
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8901", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "38. Research medical symptoms on the internet",
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8902", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "39. Check my body temperature",
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8903", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "40. Talk to others about my health or health-related activities",
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
 that behavior.",
   {"id": "q8904", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "41. Request specialized medical exams from providers",
    "intro": "<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use
 to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick
 the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage
 in that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
    "text": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8868", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "5. Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or there is
 some kind of emergency",
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "q8869", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "6. Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind",
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},
     {"id": "c5462", "text": "1. Sometimes", "quickKey": 1},
     {"id": "c5463", "text": "2. Often", "quickKey": 2},
     {"id": "c5464", "text": "3. Always", "quickKey": 3}
 that behavior."
   {"id": "q8870", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
    "text": "7. Watch others for signs of danger",
    "intro": "<strong><i>VIGILANCE</i></strong><br /> <br />Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to
 make themselves feel more comfortable. <br />For each behavior please pick the
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in
 that behavior.",
    "columns": 1,
     {"id": "c5461", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0},