MRC (160)    MH TEST/SURVEY SPEC (601.712)

Name Value
LAST UPDATE 2022-11-21 13:47:41
{"name": "MRC", 
    "text": "1. Are you ever troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exertion?", 
    "intro": "Please select the appropriate response for each question.", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c5538", "text": "1. Yes", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c5539", "text": "2. No", "quickKey": 2}
   {"id": "q8975", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true, 
    "text": "2. Are you short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight
 "copyright": "Used with the permission of the Medical Research Council", 
    "intro": "Please select the appropriate response for each question.", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c5538", "text": "1. Yes", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c5539", "text": "2. No", "quickKey": 2}
   {"id": "q8976", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true, 
    "text": "3. Do you have to walk slower than most people on the level? -or- <br />Do you
 have to stop after a mile or so (or after 1/4 hour) on the level at your own
 "restartDays": 2, 
    "intro": "Please select the appropriate response for each question.", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c5538", "text": "1. Yes", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c5539", "text": "2. No", "quickKey": 2}
   {"id": "q8977", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true, 
    "text": "4. Do you have to stop for breath after walking about 100 yds. (or after a few
 minutes) on the level?", 
    "intro": "Please select the appropriate response for each question.", 
 "printTitle": "Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c5538", "text": "1. Yes", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c5539", "text": "2. No", "quickKey": 2}
   {"id": "q8978", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true, 
    "text": "5. Are you too breathless to leave the house, or breathless after undressing?", 
    "intro": "Please select the appropriate response for each question.", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c5538", "text": "1. Yes", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c5539", "text": "2. No", "quickKey": 2}
   {"question": "q8974", "operator": "NE", "value": "c5538", 
   {"question": "q8975", "operator": "NE", "value": "c5538", 
   {"question": "q8976", "operator": "NE", "value": "c5538", 
   {"id": "i2494", "type": "IntroText", 
   {"question": "q8977", "operator": "NE", "value": "c5538", 
    "text": "Please select the appropriate response for each question."
   {"id": "q8974", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": true, "inline": true,