BAM-C-CBT-SUD (168)    MH TEST/SURVEY SPEC (601.712)

Name Value
LAST UPDATE 2023-12-27 13:54:44
{"name": "BAM-C-CBT-SUD", 
    "columns": 3, 
     {"id": "c2418", "text": "1. Clinician Interview", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c2419", "text": "2. Self Report", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2420", "text": "3. Phone", "quickKey": 3}
   {"id": "i2527", "type": "IntroText", 
    "text": "Instructions <br />This is a standard set of questions about alcohol and drug use
 since the last session. Please answer the requested items as accurately as
 possible and indicate the method of assessment in item B above. <br />"
 "restartDays": 7, 
   {"id": "q9094", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "1. Since the last session, how many days did you drink ANY alcohol?", 
    "intro": "Instructions <br />This is a standard set of questions about alcohol and drug use
 since the last session. Please answer the requested items as accurately as
 possible and indicate the method of assessment in item B above. <br />", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9095", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "2. Since the last session, how many days did you have at least 5 drinks (if you
 are a man) or at least 4 drinks (if you are a woman)?  [One drink is considered
 "printTitle": "Brief Addiction Monitor - Consumption Items for CBT-SUD (BAM-C-CBT-SUD)", 
 one shot of hard liquor (1.5 oz.) or 12-ounce can/bottle of beer or 5-ounce
 glass of wine.]", 
    "intro": "Instructions <br />This is a standard set of questions about alcohol and drug use
 since the last session. Please answer the requested items as accurately as
 possible and indicate the method of assessment in item B above. <br />", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9096", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "3. Since the last session, how many days did you use any illegal or street drugs
 or abuse any prescription medications?", 
    "intro": "Instructions <br />This is a standard set of questions about alcohol and drug use
 since the last session. Please answer the requested items as accurately as
 possible and indicate the method of assessment in item B above. <br />", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "i2528", "type": "IntroText", 
    "text": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: "
   {"id": "q9097", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "4A. Marijuana (cannabis, pot, weed)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9092", "type": "DateQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
   {"id": "q9098", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "4B. Sedatives and/or Tranquilizers (benzos, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Ambien, barbs,
 Phenobarbital, downers, etc.)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9099", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "4C. Cocaine and/or Crack?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9100", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "A. Date of administration:", 
    "text": "4D. Other Stimulants (amphetamine, methamphetamine, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall,
 speed, crystal meth, ice, etc.)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9101", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "4E. Opiates (Heroin, Morphine, Dilaudid, Demerol, Oxycontin, oxy, codeine
 (Tylenol 2,3,4), Percocet, Vicodin, Fentanyl, etc.)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9102", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "controlWidth": 120, "daysBack": 30, "daysAhead": 0},
    "text": "4F. Inhalants (glues, adhesives, nail polish remover, paint thinner, etc.)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}, 
   {"id": "q9103", "type": "IntegerQuestion", "required": false, 
    "text": "4G. Other drugs (steroids, non-prescription sleep and diet pills, Benadryl,
 Ephedra, other over-the-counter or unknown medications)?", 
    "intro": "4. Since the last session, how many days did you use any of the following drugs: ", 
    "controlWidth": 60, "min": 0, "max": 30}], 
   {"question": "q9094", "operator": "EQ", "value": 0, 
   {"id": "q9093", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
   {"question": "q9096", "operator": "EQ", "value": 0, 
    "text": "B. Method of administration:",