{"name": "MORSE FALL SCALE",
{"id": "c237", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c241", "text": "2. Yes", "quickKey": 2}
{"id": "q3911", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " Secondary diagnosis:",
"columns": 1,
{"id": "c237", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c241", "text": "2. Yes", "quickKey": 2}
"copyright": "Copyright Janice M. Morse, 1996.",
{"id": "q3912", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " Ambulatory aid:",
"columns": 1,
{"id": "c1182", "text": "1. None/bedrest/nurse assist", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c1183", "text": "2. Crutches/cane(s)/walker", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c1184", "text": "3. Furniture", "quickKey": 3}
{"id": "q3913", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " Intravenous therapy/Heparin lock:",
"restartDays": 2,
"columns": 1,
{"id": "c237", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c241", "text": "2. Yes", "quickKey": 2}
{"id": "q3914", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " Gait/Transferring:",
"columns": 1,
{"id": "c1250", "text": "1. Normal/bed rest/immobile", "quickKey": 1},
"printTitle": "Morse Fall Scale",
{"id": "c1186", "text": "2. Weakness", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c1187", "text": "3. Impaired", "quickKey": 3}
{"id": "q3915", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " Mental Status:",
"columns": 1,
{"id": "c1188", "text": "1. Oriented to own ability/knows own limitations", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c1189", "text": "2. Overestimates/forgets limitations", "quickKey": 2}
{"id": "q3910", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false,
"text": " History of falling: immediate or within 3 months?",
"columns": 1,