CEMI (40)    MH TEST/SURVEY SPEC (601.712)

Name Value
LAST UPDATE 2022-04-08 08:16:31
{"name": "CEMI", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6478", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "11. Act as an authority on your life.", 
    "columns": 2, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6479", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "12. Tell you what to do.", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q7332", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "13. Argue with you about needing to be 100% ready to change your behavior.", 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q7333", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "14. Show you that she/he believes in your ability to change your behavior.", 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q7334", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "15. Help you feel confident in your ability to change your behavior.", 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q7335", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "16. Help you recognize the need to change your behavior.", 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"question": "q4014", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c217", 
    "conjunction": "and", "question2": "q4017", "operator2": "EQ", "value2": "c0", 
   {"id": "q6406", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "2. Help you to talk about changing your behavior.", 
 "restartDays": 2, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6407", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "3. Act as a partner in your behavior change.", 
 "printTitle": "Client Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing",
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6408", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "4. Help you to discuss your need to change your behavior.", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6409", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "5. Make you feel distrustful of him/her.", 
   {"id": "i1604", "type": "IntroText", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6410", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "6. Help you examine the pros and cons of changing your behavior.", 
    "text": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  "
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6411", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "7. Help you to feel hopeful about changing your behavior.", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6412", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "8. Argue with you to change your behavior.", 
   {"id": "q6405", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6413", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "9. Change the topic when you became upset about changing your behavior.", 
    "text": "1. Focus on your weakness.", 
    "intro": "In your most recent session, how much did your counselor:  ", 
    "columns": 2, 
     {"id": "c212", "text": "1. Not at all", "quickKey": 1}, 
     {"id": "c3265", "text": "2. Only a little", "quickKey": 2}, 
     {"id": "c2306", "text": "3. Some", "quickKey": 3}, 
     {"id": "c1048", "text": "4. A great deal", "quickKey": 4}
   {"id": "q6477", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, 
    "text": "10.  Push you forward when you became unwilling to talk about an issue further.",