Name | Value |
LAST UPDATE | 2022-04-08 08:58:04 |
ENTRY CHECKSUM | 899547067 |
ENTRY SPECIFICATION | {"name": "BASIS-24", best answer you can. During the PAST WEEK, how much difficulty did you have. . . {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5364", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "8. Feel like you had someone to turn to if you needed help?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ " {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5365", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "9. Feel confident in yourself?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, }, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5366", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "10. Feel sad or depressed?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", {"id": "q5357", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5367", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "11. Think about ending your life?", "text": "1. Managing your day-to-day life?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5368", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "intro": "This survey asks about how you are feeling and doing in different areas of life. "text": "12. Feel nervous?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, Please check the item that best describes yourself during the PAST WEEK. Please {"id": "i579", "type": "IntroText", "text": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . " }, {"id": "q5369", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "13. Have thoughts racing through your head?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, answer every question. If you are unsure about how to answer, please give the {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5370", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "14. Think you had special powers?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, best answer you can. During the PAST WEEK, how much difficulty did you have. . . {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5371", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "15. Hear voices or see things?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ ", {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5372", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "16. Think people were watching you?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2003 McLean Hospital", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5373", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "17. Think people were against you?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "choices":[ "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5374", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "18. Have mood swings?", {"id": "c803", "text": "0. No difficulty", "quickKey": 0}, "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5375", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, {"id": "c2853", "text": "1. A little difficult", "quickKey": 1}, "text": "19. Feel short-tempered?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "c805", "text": "2. Moderate difficulty", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "q5376", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "20. Think about hurting yourself?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} {"id": "c806", "text": "3. Quite a bit of difficulty", "quickKey": 3}, ]}, {"id": "i580", "type": "IntroText", "text": "During the PAST WEEK, how often. . . " }, {"id": "q5377", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "21. Did you have an urge to drink alcohol or take street drugs?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c807", "text": "4. Extreme difficulty", "quickKey": 4} {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5378", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "22. Did anyone talk to you about your drinking or drug use?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ ]}, {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5379", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "23. Did you try to hide your drinking or drug use?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often. . . ", "columns": 2, {"id": "q5358", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5380", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "24. Did you have problems from your drinking or drug use?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how often. . . ", "text": "2. Coping with problems in your life?", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c217", "text": "0. Never", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c242", "text": "1. Rarely", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c213", "text": "2. Sometimes", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c215", "text": "3. Often", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c995", "text": "4. Always", "quickKey": 4} ]}], "rules":[ {"question": "q4325", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c237"}, "restartDays": 2, "intro": "This survey asks about how you are feeling and doing in different areas of life. {"question": "q4327", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c0"}] } Please check the item that best describes yourself during the PAST WEEK. Please answer every question. If you are unsure about how to answer, please give the best answer you can. During the PAST WEEK, how much difficulty did you have. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c803", "text": "0. No difficulty", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c2853", "text": "1. A little difficult", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c805", "text": "2. Moderate difficulty", "quickKey": 2}, "printTitle": "Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale - 24", {"id": "c806", "text": "3. Quite a bit of difficulty", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c807", "text": "4. Extreme difficulty", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5359", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "3. Concentrating?", "intro": "This survey asks about how you are feeling and doing in different areas of life. Please check the item that best describes yourself during the PAST WEEK. Please answer every question. If you are unsure about how to answer, please give the best answer you can. During the PAST WEEK, how much difficulty did you have. . . ", "content":[ "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c803", "text": "0. No difficulty", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c2853", "text": "1. A little difficult", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c805", "text": "2. Moderate difficulty", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c806", "text": "3. Quite a bit of difficulty", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c807", "text": "4. Extreme difficulty", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "i578", "type": "IntroText", "text": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . " {"id": "i577", "type": "IntroText", }, {"id": "q5360", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "4. Get along with people in your family?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, "text": "This survey asks about how you are feeling and doing in different areas of life. {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5361", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "5. Get along with people outside your family?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, Please check the item that best describes yourself during the PAST WEEK. Please {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5362", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "6. Get along well in social situations?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, {"id": "c815", "text": "1. A little of the time", "quickKey": 1}, answer every question. If you are unsure about how to answer, please give the {"id": "c884", "text": "2. Half of the time", "quickKey": 2}, {"id": "c772", "text": "3. Most of the time", "quickKey": 3}, {"id": "c817", "text": "4. All of the time", "quickKey": 4} ]}, {"id": "q5363", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": true, "text": "7. Feel close to another person?", "intro": "During the PAST WEEK, how much of the time did you. . . ", "columns": 2, "choices":[ {"id": "c814", "text": "0. None of the time", "quickKey": 0}, |