{"name": "AUDIT",
"text": "1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? ",
{"id": "c237", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c238", "text": "2. Yes, but not in the last year", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c239", "text": "3. Yes, during the last year", "quickKey": 3}
{"id": "q98", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "10. Has a relative or friend, or a doctor or other health worker been concerned
about your drinking or suggested that you cut down? ",
"intro": "Please read each item carefully and select the correct answer for you.",
{"id": "c237", "text": "1. No", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c238", "text": "2. Yes, but not in the last year", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c239", "text": "3. Yes, during the last year", "quickKey": 3}
{"question": "q89", "operator": "EQ", "value": "c217",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c218", "text": "2. Monthly or less", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c219", "text": "3. Two to four times a month", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c220", "text": "4. Two to three times per week", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c221", "text": "5. Four or more times a week", "quickKey": 5}
"copyright": "World Health Organization",
{"id": "q90", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "2. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are
drinking? ",
{"id": "c222", "text": "1. 0 drinks", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c1333", "text": "2. 1 or 2", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c223", "text": "3. 3 or 4", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c224", "text": "4. 5 or 6", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c225", "text": "5. 7 to 9", "quickKey": 5},
"restartDays": 2,
{"id": "c226", "text": "6. 10 or more", "quickKey": 6}
{"id": "q91", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? ",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
"printTitle": "Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test",
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q92", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "4. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop
drinking once you had started? ",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q93", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "5. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally
expected from you because of drinking? ",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "i6", "type": "IntroText",
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q94", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "6. How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to
get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? ",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
"text": "Please read each item carefully and select the correct answer for you."
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q95", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse
after drinking? ",
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q96", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "8. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened
the night before because you had been drinking? ",
{"id": "q89", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
{"id": "c217", "text": "1. Never", "quickKey": 1},
{"id": "c227", "text": "2. Less than monthly", "quickKey": 2},
{"id": "c228", "text": "3. Monthly", "quickKey": 3},
{"id": "c229", "text": "4. Weekly", "quickKey": 4},
{"id": "c230", "text": "5. Daily or almost daily", "quickKey": 5}
{"id": "q97", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false,
"text": "9. Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking? ",