Name | Value |
LAST UPDATE | 2022-04-08 09:09:13 |
ENTRY CHECKSUM | 3492994842 |
ENTRY SPECIFICATION | {"name": "KATZ-ADL-6PT", {"id": "q7059", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "1. BATHING", "intro": "Score activities on level of independence: <br /><br />INDEPENDENCE: NO supervision, direction or personal assistance (1 POINT) <br />DEPENDENCE: WITH supervision, direction, personal assistance or total care (0 POINTS)", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3358", "text": "1. Bathes self completely or needs help in bathing only a single part of the body such as the back, genital area or disabled extremity. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3359", "text": "2. Needs help with bathing more than one part of the body, getting in or out of "restartDays": 2, the tub or shower. Requires total bathing. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q7060", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "2. DRESSING", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3363", "text": "1. Gets clothes from closets and drawers and puts on clothes and outer garments complete with fasteners. May have help tying shoes. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3362", "text": "2. Needs help with dressing self or needs to be completely dressed. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}, "printTitle": "Modified Katz Index of ADLs", {"id": "q7061", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "3. TOILETING", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3376", "text": "1. Goes to toilet, gets on and off, arranges clothes, cleans genital area without help. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3377", "text": "2. Needs help transferring to the toilet, cleaning self or uses bedpan or commode. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q7062", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "content":[ "text": "4. TRANSFER", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3367", "text": "1. Moves in and out of bed or chair unassisted. Mechanical transferring aides are acceptable. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3368", "text": "2. Needs help in moving from bed to chair or requires a complete transfer. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q7063", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "5. CONTINENCE", "columns": 1, {"id": "i2346", "type": "IntroText", "choices":[ {"id": "c3372", "text": "1. Exercises complete self control over urination and defecation. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, {"id": "c3379", "text": "2. Is partially or totally incontinent of bowel or bladder. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}, {"id": "q7064", "type": "ChoiceQuestion", "required": false, "inline": false, "text": "6. FEEDING", "columns": 1, "choices":[ {"id": "c3375", "text": "1. Gets food from plate into mouth without help. Preparation of food may be done by another person. (1 pt)", "quickKey": 1}, "text": "Score activities on level of independence: <br /><br />INDEPENDENCE: NO {"id": "c3373", "text": "2. Needs partial or total help with feeding or requires parenteral feeding. (0 pt)", "quickKey": 2} ]}] } supervision, direction or personal assistance (1 POINT) <br />DEPENDENCE: WITH supervision, direction, personal assistance or total care (0 POINTS)" }, |