126 (126)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
  FOCI Symptom Severity Total Score: <-Part B->| |
  Total Scores range from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 20, with higher scores indicating greater symptom severity.| |
  Questions and Answers|  |
  Part A:
  Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as:| |
    1. Concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation) or acquiring a serious illness such as AIDS?|
    2. Overconcern with keeping objects (clothing, tools, etc) in perfect order or arranged exactly?|
    3. Images of death or other horrible events?|
    4. Personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts?|
       <*Answer_6817*>|  |
  Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as:| |
 .|  Florida Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (FOCI)|
   5. Fire, burglary or flooding of the house?|
    6. Accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down a hill?|
    7. Spreading an illness (giving someone AIDS)?|
    8. Losing something valuable?|
    9. Harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough?|
 |  Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|  Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|  Location: <.Location.>|  |  Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|  SSN:
       <*Answer_6822*>|  |
  Have you worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as:| |
    10. Physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic;|
        inappropriate sexual contact; or poisoning dinner guests?|
        <*Answer_6823*>|  |
  Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as:| |
    11. Excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning or grooming?|
<.Patient_SSN.>|  DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)|  Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>|  |  |  |
    12. Checking light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks or the emergency brake?|
    13. Counting, arranging; evening-up behaviors (making sure socks are at same height)?|
    14. Collecting useless objects or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out?|
    15. Repeating routine actions (in/out of chair, going through doorway, relighting cigarette) a certain number of times|
        or until it feels just right?|
    16. Needing to touch objects or people?|
    17. Unnecessary rereading or rewriting; reopening envelopes before they are mailed?|
    18. Examining your body for signs of illness?|
    19. Avoiding colors ("red" means blood), numbers ("13" is unlucky) or names (those that start with "D" signify death) |
        that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts?|
    20. Needing to "confess" or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you said or did something correctly?|
        <*Answer_6833*>|  |
  FOCI Symptom Checklist Total Score: <-Part A->|  |
 PART B:  In the past month...|
 1. On average, how much time is occupied by these thoughts or behaviors each day?|
   2. How much distress do they cause you?|
   3. How hard is it for you to control them?|
   4. How much do they cause you to avoid doing anything, going anyplace or  being with anyone?|
   5. How much do they interfere with school work or your social or family life?|
      <*Answer_6838*>|  |  |
  Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes.  Assessment results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities.
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  Total Scores range from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 20, with higher scores indicating greater symptomatology.| |