|.|.|Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) |
Questions and Answers| |
1. I've been feeling optimistic about the future. |<*Answer_7877*>|
2. I've been feeling useful. |<*Answer_7878*>|
3. I've been feeling relaxed.|<*Answer_7879*>|
4. I've been feeling interested in other people.|<*Answer_7880*>|
5. I've had energy to spare.|<*Answer_7881*>|
6. I've been dealing with problems well.|<*Answer_7882*>|
7. I've been thinking clearly.|<*Answer_7883*>|
8. I've been feeling good about myself.|<*Answer_7884*>|
| Date Given: <.Date_Given.>| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|
9. I've been feeling close to other people.|<*Answer_7885*>|
10. I've been feeling confident.|<*Answer_7886*>|
11. I've been able to make up my own mind about things.|<*Answer_7887*>|
12. I've been feeling loved.|<*Answer_7888*>|
13. I've been interested in new things.|<*Answer_7889*>|
14. I've been feeling cheerful.|<*Answer_7890*>| | |
Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment
and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment
results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with
Location: <.Location.>| | Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|
other diagnostic activities.| |
Warwick-Endinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS)NHS Health Scotland,
University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh, 2006, All rights
reserved. Reproduced with permission.| | $~
SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)
| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>|
|<*Answer_7771*> | |
Total scores range from a minimum of 14 to a maximum of 70, change scores of 3 or more points suggest a significant difference. Scores equal to or less than 40 are consistent with a high-risk category for mental illness.| |