|.|.|Mental Health Recovery Measure (MHRM) |
Self-Empowerment: <*Answer_7773*> |
Learning and Self-Redefinition: <*Answer_7774*> |
Basic Functioning: <*Answer_7775*> |
Overall Well-Being: <*Answer_7776*> |
New Potentials: <*Answer_7777*> |
Spirituality: <*Answer_7778*> |
Advocacy/Enrichment: <*Answer_7779*> | |
MHRM Total Scores can range from 0 to 120. Higher scores correspond to a higher self-reported level of mental health recovery. The average score for mental health consumers range from 78-80, with a change score of 10 points representing signifi
cant individual change. | |
| Date Given: <.Date_Given.>| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|
MHRM subscale scores can range from 0 to 16 for each subscale except the Spirituality subscale, which can range from 0 to 8. | |
Note: Results with more than 4 omitted items OR with a Total Score of "0" (all "Strongly Disagree") or a Total Score of "120" (all "Strongly Agree") are of questionable validity and should be interpreted with caution. | |
Question and Answers:|
1. I work hard toward my mental health recovery.|<*Answer_7891*>|
2. Even though there are hard days, things are improving for me.|<*Answer_7892*>|
3. I ask for help when I am not feeling well.|<*Answer_7893*>|
4. I take risks to move forward with my recovery.|<*Answer_7894*>|
Location: <.Location.>| | Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|
5. I believe in myself.|<*Answer_7895*>|
6. I have control over my mental health problems.|<*Answer_7896*>|
7. I am in control of my life.|<*Answer_7897*>|
8. I socialize and make friends.|<*Answer_7898*>|
9. Every day is a new opportunity for learning.|<*Answer_7899*>|
10. I still grow and change in positive ways despite my mental health problems.|<*Answer_7900*>|
11. Even though I may still have problems, I value myself as a person of worth.| <*Answer_7901*>|
12. I understand myself and have a good sense of who I am.|<*Answer_7902*>|
13. I eat nutritious meals every day.|<*Answer_7903*>|
14. I go out and participate in enjoyable activities every week.|<*Answer_7904*>|
SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)
15. I make the effort to get to know other people.|<*Answer_7905*>|
16. I am comfortable with my use of prescribed medications.|<*Answer_7906*>|
17. I feel good about myself.|<*Answer_7907*>|
18. The way I think about things helps me to achieve my goals.|<*Answer_7908*>|
19. My life is pretty normal.|<*Answer_7909*>|
20. I feel at peace with myself.|<*Answer_7910*>|
21. I maintain a positive attitude for weeks at a time.|<*Answer_7911*>|
22. My quality of life will get better in the future.|<*Answer_7912*>|
23. Every day that I get up, I do something productive.|<*Answer_7913*>|
24. I am making progress towards my goals.|<*Answer_7914*>|
| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>| | |
25. When I am feeling low, my religious faith or spirituality helps me feel better.|<*Answer_7915*>|
26. My religious faith or spirituality supports my recovery.|<*Answer_7916*>|
27. I advocate for the rights of myself and others with mental health problems.|<*Answer_7917*>|
28. I engage in work or other activities that enrich myself and the world around me.|<*Answer_7918*>|
29. I cope effectively with stigma associated with having a mental health problem.|<*Answer_7919*>|
30. I have enough money to spend on extra things or activities that enrich my life.|<*Answer_7920*>| |
Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities.| |
The MHRM2003, Young, SL and Bullock, WA. Available from the University of Toledo, Department of Psychology.|
MHRM Total Score: <*Answer_7771*>|
MHRM Subscales Scores: |
Overcoming Stuckness: <*Answer_7772*> |