|.|.|Internal State Scale - Version 2 (ISS-2) | |
Note: Though clinically relevant ranges or cut-off scores have not been
established, Activation, Depression and Perceived Conflict subscales may
be used to measure symptom severity within or across individuals.| |
Questions and answers| |
1. Today my mood is changeable.|
<*Answer_8319*>| |
2. Today I feel irritable.|
<*Answer_8320*>| |
Date Given: <.Date_Given.>| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|
3. Today I feel like a capable person.|
<*Answer_8321*>| |
4. Today I feel like people are out to get me.|
<*Answer_8322*>| |
5. Today I actually feel great inside.|
<*Answer_8323*>| |
6. Today I feel impulsive.|
<*Answer_8324*>| |
7. Today I feel depressed.|
<*Answer_8325*>| |
Location: <.Location.>| | Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|
8. Today my thoughts are going fast.|
<*Answer_8326*>| |
9. Today it seems like nothing will ever work out for me.|
<*Answer_8327*>| |
10. Today I feel overactive.|
<*Answer_8328*>| |
11. Today I feel as if the world is against me.|
<*Answer_8329*>| |
12. Today I feel "sped up" inside.|
<*Answer_8330*>| |
SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)|
13. Today I feel restless.|
<*Answer_8331*>| |
14. Today I feel argumentative.|
<*Answer_8332*>| |
15. Today I feel energized.|
<*Answer_8333*>| |
16. Today I feel.|
<*Answer_8334*>| |
Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment
Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>| |
and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment
results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with
other diagnostic activities.| |
Used with permission of the author
<*Answer_999999999999*> | |
The combination of scores on Activation and Well Being scales are consistent with a <*Answer_7776*> mood state.| |