192 (192)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
|Negative Problem Orientation Questionnaire (NPO-Q)
|   Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>
|   Score = <-NPO-Q Total->
|   Higher total scores indicate a more negative problem orientation.   
|Questions and Answers:
|   1.  I see problems as a threat to my well-being.
|       <*Answer_8631*>
|   2.  I often doubt my capacity to solve problems.
|       <*Answer_8632*>
|   3.  Often before even trying to find a solution, I tell myself that it 
|       is difficult to solve problems.
|       <*Answer_8633*>
|   4.  My problems often seem insurmountable.
|       <*Answer_8634*>
|   5.  When I attempt to solve a problem, I often question my abilities.
|       <*Answer_8635*>
|   6.  I often have the impression that my problems cannot be solved.
|       <*Answer_8636*>
|   Date Given: <.Date_Given.>
|   7.  Even if I manage to find some solutions to my problems, I doubt that 
|       they will be easily resolved.
|       <*Answer_8637*>
|   8.  I have a tendency to see problems as a danger.
|       <*Answer_8638*>
|   9.  My first reaction when faced with a problem is to question my 
|       abilities.
|       <*Answer_8639*>
|  10.  I often see my problems as bigger than they really are.
|       <*Answer_8640*>
|   Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>
|  11.  Even if I have looked at a problem from all possible angles, I still 
|       wonder if the solution I decided on will be effective.
|       <*Answer_8641*>
|  12.  I consider problems to be obstacles that interfere with my 
|       functioning.
|       <*Answer_8642*>
|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment 
|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment 
|results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with 
|   Location:  <.Location.>
|other diagnostic activities.
|   Veteran:  <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>
|   SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>
|   DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)