35 (35)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
.|.|Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Inventory||Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|Location: <.Location.>||Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>|DOB: 
<*Answer_5316*>|9. I don't socialize as much as I used to because my mental illness might make me look or behave "weird."|    <*Answer_5317*>|10. People with mental illness cannot live a good, 
rewarding life.|    <*Answer_5318*>|11. I don't talk about myself much because I don't want to burden others with my mental illness.|    <*Answer_5319*>|12. Negative stereotypes about mental illness 
keep me isolated from the "normal" world.|    <*Answer_5320*>|13. Being around people who don't have a mental illness makes me feel out of place or inadequate.|    <*Answer_5321*>|14. I feel 
comfortable being seen in public with an obviously mentally ill person.|    <*Answer_5322*>|15. People often patronize me, or treat me like a child, just because I have a mental illness.|    
<*Answer_5323*>|16. I am disappointed in myself for having a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5324*>|17. Having a mental illness has spoiled my life.|    <*Answer_5325*>|18. People can tell that I have a 
mental illness by the way I look.|    <*Answer_5326*>|19. Because I have a mental illness, I need others to make most decisions for me.|    <*Answer_5327*>|20. I stay away from social situations in 
order to protect my family or friends from embarrassment.|    <*Answer_5328*>|21. People without mental illness could not possibly understand me.|    <*Answer_5329*>|22. People ignore me or take me 
less seriously just because I have a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5330*>|23. I can't contribute anything to society because I have a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5331*>|24. Living with mental illness 
has made me a tough survivor.|    <*Answer_5332*>|25. Nobody would be interested in getting close to me because I have a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5333*>|26. In general, I am able to live my life 
the way I want to.|    <*Answer_5334*>|27. I can have a good, fulfilling life, despite my mental illness.|    <*Answer_5335*>|28. Others think that I can't achieve much in life because I have a 
<.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)|Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>||   ISMI Scales|     Alienation                  <-Alienation->|     Stereotype Endorsement      <-Stereotype Endorsement->|     Discrimination Experience   <-Discrimination 
mental illness.|    <*Answer_5336*>|29. Stereotypes about the mentally ill apply to me.|    <*Answer_5337*>||   $~
Experience->|     Social Withdrawal           <-Social Withdrawal->|     Stigma Resistance           <-Stigma Resistance->|     Total Score                 <-Total Score->||   4-category method (following the method used by 
Lysaker et al., 2007)|   1.00-2.00:   minimal to no internalized 
 stigma|   2.01-2.50:   mild internalized stigma|   2.51-3.00:   moderate internalized stigma|   3.01-4.00:   severe internalized stigma||   2-category method (following the method used by Ritsher & Phelan, 2004)|   1.00-2.50:   does not 
report high internalized stigma|   2.51-4.00:   reports high internalized stigma||Questions and Answers||1. I feel out of place in the world because I have a mental illness.|
    <*Answer_5309*>|2. Mentally ill people tend to be violent.|    <*Answer_5310*>|3. People discriminate against me because I have a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5311*>|4. I avoid getting close to 
people who don't have a mental illness to avoid rejection.|    <*Answer_5312*>|5. I am embarrassed or ashamed that I have a mental illness.|    <*Answer_5313*>|6. Mentally ill people shouldn't get 
married.|    <*Answer_5314*>|7. People with mental illness make important contributions to society.|    <*Answer_5315*>|8. I feel inferior to others who don't have a mental illness.|