41 (41)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
.|.|MOVE!23||Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|Location: <.Location.>||Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>|DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> 
buy food 'to go' ?|    <*Answer_4074*>|16. How much regular soda, sweet tea, juice, or juicy drinks do you drink most days?  (Do not include diet or sugar free soda, unsweetened tea, or other sugar 
free drinks.)|    <*Answer_4075*>|17. How many alcoholic drinks do you have in an average week? (One serving is a 12 oz can of beer or malt liquor or a 6 oz glasses of wine or a 1 oz shot of 
hard/distilled liquor.)|    <*Answer_4076*>|18. How fast do you usually eat?|    <*Answer_4077*>|19. On average, how often have you eaten extremely large amounts of food and felt that your eating was 
out of control at that time?|    <*Answer_4078*>|20. Do you use a wheelchair or are largely confined to your bed?|    <*Answer_4079*>|21a. Are you limited in any daily activities or work performance 
because of your physical health? Climbing a flight of stairs:|    <*Answer_4080*>|21b. Are you limited in any daily activities or work performance because of your physical health? Walking several 
blocks:|    <*Answer_4081*>|21c. Are you limited in any daily activities or work performance because of your physical health? Lifting or carrying packages or groceries:|    <*Answer_4082*>|22. Using 
the 1-10 scale below, which number best describes your typical daily physical activity/exercise? "1" indicates no activity, "5" indicates 15 minutes every three days, "10" means one hour or   more of 
daily exercise/activity. |    <*Answer_4083*>|23. Which statement most closely applies to your attitude about exercise?|    <*Answer_4084*>|24. Which statement best indicates how much you agree with, 
"I am satisfied with my current level of fitness."|    <*Answer_4085*>||  $~
(<.Patient_Age.>)|Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>||Questions and Answers||1. Please check any of the following medical conditions or health problems you currently have:|    <*Answer_4056*>|2. I consider 
myself to be:|    <*Answer_4057*>|3. Select the answer that best describes your rate of weight gain over the years:|    <*Answer_4058*>|4. Select the answer that best describes your family:|    
<*Answer_4059*>|5. Which statement most closely applies to you:|    <*Answer_4060*>|6. How much weight do you think you realistically could lose in one year without surgery?|    <*Answer_4061*>|7. 
How confident are you that you can lose weight and keep it off?|    <*Answer_4062*>|8. How satisfied are you with the appearance of your body?|    <*Answer_4063*>|9. Do any of the following have 
anything to do with your being overweight? Check all that apply to you.|    <*Answer_4064*>|10. How much can you rely on family or friends for support and encouragement?|    <*Answer_4068*>|11. What 
do you think may get in the way of changing your eating habits? Check all that apply to you.|    <*Answer_4069*>|12. What do you think may get in the way of changing your physical activity habits?  
Check all that apply to you.|    <*Answer_4070*>|13. Are you currently experiencing any of the following?  Check all that apply.|    <*Answer_4071*>|13a. Are you currently being treated for any of 
the following?  Check all that apply.|    <*Answer_4072*>|14. How many times a day do you typically eat, including snacks?|    <*Answer_4073*>|15. How many times a week do you usually eat 'out' or